Chedworth Roman Villa

  We drove down narrow country roads with views of typical rolling hills and idyllic cotswolds countryside but an unexpected sight, Chedworth roman villa. Apparently the cotswolds was a common area for roman villas (villa means rural building in latin) and many are likely to be in and around the area near Chedworth but this is the first one we had ever seen.

Some parts of this amazing site have been dated back as early as the 2nd century and they believe that it was over time added to and updated right up until its peak in the 4th century. It at that time was a place of luxury and wealth it even had underfloor heating. Wishing we had this at home right now, Uk spring, so its freezing.

Channels and pipes still remain showing how the underfloor heating would of been used 

Don't think I would of volunteered to go into the cold immersion bath but for the romans bathing wasn't just about getting clean it was very much about being social and they would often talk and get together in these huge baths. 

Throughout this ruin you can see remnants of mosaic floors and vast bath houses i can only imagine how amazing it would of looked in its day and with the cold that day wished it still had that underfloor heating. It was brilliant to walk in the footsteps of the romans and imagine what it might of been like and they had very impressive bating rituals as you can see in the picture below

This was an imagine the national trust provided to explain the way in which this area would of looked.

This is an amazing and very interesting place to visit i learnt so much and was alot of fun for me and the bear to explore, what it would of been like to bath here or to see the mosaic floors freshly laid. 

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